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All products on this site are intended for research purposes only. Products are sold for in vitro research, not to be used in any human or animal application. The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The information & products offered by this company are not intended to treat, prevent or diagnose any medical condition.
Prior to order all customers must agree to the following statements:

I am 21 (twenty-one) years of age or older.

I agree that these goods will be utilized in accordance with the terms & conditions of this website.

I am a research professional with a license and/or appropriate knowledge & qualifications.

I agree to use these products for in vitro research purposes only and I do not intend to use items obtained from this website in any human or animal application. 

Please ensure all purchases & communications are in accordance with our terms & conditions.

For questions regarding order status & assistance:

WhatsApp: 689-275-5298